Well, this past week I was hornswoggled by Wicks Aircraft . . . damn them! They have a really nice sale going on for all their AeroLEDs and Aveo lighting products up until 31 December… 20% off to be exact. Which is a lot of money for expensive lights. Thus, I threw myself headlong into the assessment & evaluation phase of the available nav lights so I could spend money to save money. That’s my logic here & I’m sticking to it!
Ok, I’ve had my mind set on Aveo Engineering’s Andromeda Aurora for well over a year now. However, two things made my buying them from Wicks a no-go . . . the first issue being rather insurmountable: Wicks simply didn’t carry them. So no money to be saved there.
Then there was the other issue. As absolutely beautiful as these Andromeda lights are, I’m getting really tired of the incessant trash talk campaign that Aveo has going on against AeroLEDs. This dynamic was highlighted even further in my research–much of it on the Van’s forum–where the AeroLEDs guy would come on the forum boards, state his points, letting the customer make up his mind, and not relying on trash talking Aveo to make his case. Plus, the RV guys gave consistent resounding thumbs up on the AeroLEDs and the company’s customer service.
Moreover, Wicks had AeroLEDs in stock… money to be saved! After some more research, and talking with the guys at AeroLEDs, I decided to save almost $200 and nab a pair of Pulsar LED Nav/Strobe/Position lights. Although admittedly these lights aren’t TSO’d right now, they are up for it the near future. And after having seen the statements by the bubbas at AeroLED on the forums, I’m more than comfortable that it will happen before I have this bird finished.
And besides all that, I think they are just really nice looking lights! (oh yeah, lightweight and fairly low current draw as well).