
Wing Vortilons

Vortilon construction is detailed in the Roncz Canard plans since they are a mandatory addition to the wings if flying the Roncz Canard.  There was a well-known Cozy accident that resulted from a main wing stall due in large measure to the pilot/builder removing the Vortilons before a test flight.  Clearly these little guys are critical to safety of flight when incorporating a Roncz Canard into the configuration.

Now, as far as classification . . . although these are specified & mandated in the Roncz canard plans (canard = Chapter 10), they clearly go on the main wings (wings = Chapter 19).  So I’m adding them here as noteworthy item, albeit I’ll leave this page “chapter-less.”

18 October 2015 Since I had a little bit of pure epoxy left over from glassing the left canard swoosh tip, I grabbed the BID scrap box and a piece of plastic to make a 4-ply BID sheet, of which I would cut out a Vortilon or two.  I laid the 4 plies of BID into a pre-preg setup and poured all the epoxy into the layup.  After heating up the pre-preg with the heat gun it flowed well enough to wet out all the epoxy.  I then put another plate on top of it and weighed it down with my heavy tool bag (pic below).

Vortilon 4-BID layupWeighing down Vortilon 4-BID layup


19 October 2015 — Since I had used some leftover epoxy yesterday to make a set of Vortilons, today I wrote it into the work plan to finish the set for both wings.  Here’s the 4-ply BID layup for two more sets of Vortilons.

#2 vortilon layup 6"x 8" 4-ply BID

And here are the initial two that I cut from the glass I laid up yesterday.  These are the largest of the 3 sets of Vortilons.

BL 80.0 Vortilons cut



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Project Update

Hey Guys, 

While I still need to hook up with my welding buddy James to get my exhaust pipe brackets final welded, my exhaust pipe and cowl fitting issues are pretty much in the rear view mirror now.  After a year and half of playing Johnny-mess-about on those, I’m moving on!

I’ve been working a number of various engine installation tasks, and after another final effort on some cowling configuration tasks I’ll be ready to pull the engine, cut and install the Titanium firewall and get to micro-finishing the top side of the bird for paint. 

Yes, there will be a myriad of other tasks and sideline projects in my path to get this bird finished, but I’ll continue to push forward! 


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  6. Chapter 23/24/25 – 2 more layups Leave a reply
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