Wings Test Fitting during “The Grand Mock-Up”
22 June 2013 — Today I pulled out all the stops . . . or should I say I pulled out all the pieces of the build so far. Before I am separated from my project while I spend a year in the Middle East for Uncle Sam, I wanted to get an idea of what this thing looks like put all together.
So I pulled the fuselage out into the front yard, and kept it covered while I collected the other components. After I got the CS spar & firewall in place, I added both of the wings next.
Now let me say, besides the measurements provided to me in the plans, and of course a couple dozen confirmation measurements, I had not lined up either wing with the CS Spar to confirm that the hard points (aluminum extrusions) lined up with each other. Obviously, I was very relieved to confirm I hadn’t jacked any of my measurements up! Also, as you can see I had to throw on at least one winglet just to get an idea of how it would look. Although it was a little awkward to get it on the end of the wing so it looked half-way normal, I think I got in the ballpark. Well, and of course we can’t forget the canard… yes, it’s on there too!
Once I got the pics above taken, now it was time to fill in what gaps I could to make it look at least a little like it had some mass to it. Next came the engine cowlings.
The following pic is a closer-up shot of the upper cowling & wing.