Yes, it’s been an admittedly slow, iterative process slogging through the minute tweaks to dial in the top and bottom exhaust pipe brackets to get them to acceptable tolerances before cutting them out on the plasma cutting table (at least that’s the plan).
Here is the “final” (always with caveats and alibis) lower right exhaust pipe bracket mockup, hot off the 3D printer press.
And with it test-fitted in place… Version #7 that is.
I also continued on with my tweaking of the top right exhaust bracket as well, dialing in and eliminating (or mitigating?) the gaps between the bracket and the half-tube pipe sleeves and the center crankcase vent pass-thru tube. Here we have Version #9 (pic 1) and Version #11 shown (pic 2). As I write this post the latest version is #12.
I’ve also been spending my time on getting the left side exhaust pipe brackets dialed in as well. Here I’m about round 2 of my 3D printed exhaust pipe bracket mockups for the left side. I suspect I’ll need a few more versions for both the top and bottom, respectively, before I’m ready to plasma cut these and start welding them up.
Speaking of plasma cutting… since I haven’t used my plasma cutting table in a couple of years, not surprisingly it took me well over 3 hours to get it cleared off and cleaned up in prep for software updates, ops checks and test cuts. Then I can start making some parts!
As I closed up shop and headed into the house for the evening, I checked the mail to find that I got the PMag spark plug & ignition wire end terminals from the Emag Air bubbas… here those are. I need to check if I have a spark plug wire crimper on hand from my old chopper building days. If not, I’ll have to acquisition one of those.
I’ll be spending most of the day tomorrow (Sunday) with Jess down in Wilmington, so no physical (just mental!) airplane building occurring. I suspect Monday will be final tweaks on the exhaust pipe brackets and working to finalize bringing the plasma cutting table back online. I plan to plasma cut the top and bottom exhaust pipe bracket plates on Tuesday and get them drilled and tack welded up.