Project Update

Hey Guys,

The perimeter baffle seals are pretty much complete at this point, minus 2 small respective segments near the exhaust pipes.  That being said, I’m moving forward with constructing the Melvill-style exhaust pipe brackets, which the final two segments of baffle seals will attach to (immediately below the exhaust pipes)… then I can declare official victory over the baffle seals!

James rewelded the left outboard exhaust pipe today, so I’m pressing forward in getting the exhaust pipe brackets made and installed before trimming all the exhaust pipes to final length.

13 thoughts on “Project Update

  1. Hi there!

    I’ve been following your long-ez build for quite awhile now! congratulations for coming this far. I’m sure we’ll be able to see a new ez in the sky in the next 2 years. One day i’ll build my own ez too;) I’m still building small stuff like diy bikes, CNC and violins. Keep believing and finish strong!

    Sheng Chuan
    Singapore, National University of Singapore
    Faculty of architecture, Year 3 student

    • Hi Sheng!

      Thanks so much for your kind words. I’m sure you know that if you can do the small stuff, you can easily build an EZ. Let me know when you start!

      Good luck in school.


  2. Hi Wade,
    Thanks very much for detailing and documenting your build experiences. I’ve bookmarked your site and will be poring over it in detail as I get geared up for my own project.
    I’ve got a bit of a way to go yet (as in, I think I should at least be on my way to getting my Recreational Pilot’s License 1st, before I commit to buying parts :-) ), and am still deciding on the best option (Long-EZ v. E-Racer v. Berkut (if that’s even remotely possible) v. Europa XS ). The heart is saying “canard” while the head says “Europa” will offer a little more utility (may need to use a grass strip) . I’m also keen to re-read and process your notes about the Feather Light Strake Leading Edge Kit (something I’m thinking I’m going to wish I had, and may lament the fact it’s no longer available) and vacuum bagging experience. Vacuum bagging was something I was thinking about to improve the quality of build, but it seems it might involve more effort and tears than you get in pay-off.
    Good luck with your build and keep that momentum up, my first flight lesson is this week!
    Canberra, Australia

    • Hey Peter, Dave here in Melbourne.
      We have a strong canard community in Australia. Plenty of local support if you want it. I have operated a Long-EZ out of a grass strip… but it needs to be a good long one, nice and smooth, short or no grass and you want 5×5 tires. Some of us follow our hearts before our heads, you choose. ;)

  3. Hmmmm I’m looking for the canard cover pages? Latest newsletter from David Orr has a Berkut style on a LE. The cover extends to the top of the IP. Great for access here which believe me is needed. Good look at the bus master lll be using to go with the efii stuff….

    Really good to see your progress!!! Keep up the great work!

    I’m just finishing off the aileron click bonds and wing completion is close. Please keep the pace up …l need your blog to remain ahead of my build 😉

    • Hey Dave!

      I guess we’re in a bit of a pickle because I intentionally slowed down so I could use YOUR blog to remain ahead of my build! haha!

      Canard cover is still a couple of months out. I have to catch up to you and get the spar/firewall mounted so I can then work on the canopy… at which point the canard cover will get completed.

      Good to see your progress too! Man, you’re crushing it!

      As always, ROCK ON!!


    • Hey You! I’m hoping to be done with all the airframe stuff by New Years. Then finish, paint and small stuff from there on out. Really hoping for late February to March first flight. After all the requisite hours are flown off and she’s officially airworthy, you of course deserve a ride! ;)

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