I started off today by mounting two long 2×4’s to the middle of the 5″ x 14″ oval access panel.
I used 3″ long drywall screws & the nice part is that it’s drilled to glass that will simply get removed and chucked.
I laid out the plies of UNI & cut plastic for the pre-preg.
I micro’d the foam with both dry micro & microslurry. I then wet out the pre-pregged UNI.
I then laid up the pre-pregged UNI glass onto 3 sides of the spar: top, aft & bottom. This is the plan’s Layup #6.
I cut the edges on each side close to the 1/2″ x 1″ wedge cutouts on the front corners of the spar.
I then floxed 2 each LWA3 aluminum extrusions & 2 each LWA3 aluminum extrusions on top of the existing Inboard & Outboard extrusions. I covered the LWAs with the UNI & BID plies that I cut on 24 Sep.
I then peel plied the entire layup & weighed down the Inboard extrusions.