Ok, starting off here are the two respective wing leading edge light mount standoffs’ drilling jigs that will provide 2.5° inboard and 7° downward angles to the lights as they are mounted onto the aft walls of the light pockets, which are themselves very close to 90° perpendicular to the centerline of the bird.
On the left wing leading edge light with the now cured in place lens flange, I removed the clamps for access but left the clecos in place as I taped & marked the 1/2″ flange width (pic 1) and cut my marked lines with the Fein saw (pic 2). Although the flange-securing flox is cured, I didn’t want any extra pressure on the flange so simply left the clecos in place during the cutting ops.
I then removed the clecos and tape to reveal the installed flange. You may note that I cut the bottom of the flange in two to allow me to get it into the light pocket without having to trim too much of the internal flange lip off. Also, I didn’t want to stress the flange too much or crack it trying to get it into position.
I did a quick fit test of the lens on the flange and it looks fantastic so far (IMHO).
Now, I did the layup below along with right wing leading edge light pocket layup further below… but to smooth out the hard edged transition of the lens flange inside the light pocket, as well as to further physically secure the flange via glass/CF to the light pocket AND remedy the minor cut gap in the bottom center of the flange, I simply added a dry micro (vs flox, to minimize weight) transition around the sides and aft edge of the lower flange before laying up a ply of carbon fiber. I then peel plied the layup. [Also note that I filled in the cleco holes with micro]
On the right wing leading edge light I set the flange in place and drilled out the cleco holes as I installed each cleco along the way. When I was finished installing the clecos and verifying this dry run install was good, I pulled the clecos and removed the flange.
I then cut 2 plies of BID which were very close in size to the BID plies I used on the left wing leading edge light pocket. I also cut the major peel ply piece that would cover the majority of the glass after applied.
I reversed the BID ply layup order on this side as compared to the left side, with the smaller of the 2 plies going in first, which covers just the blue foam on the sides and aft wall of the pocket, and really doesn’t overlap onto any glass (pic 1). I then partially laid up BID ply #2 by only wetting out the aft wall area and NOT wetting out the overlapping top, bottom or side portions of this BID ply (pic 2)… but rather turned them inward out of the way to allow me to then install and flox the carbon fiber lens flange into place.
I was scrambling to get this all done, so no intermediate pics before this one with the carbon fiber flange floxed into place, secured by clecos which in turn allowed me to finish laying up the light pocket BID ply #2.
Here we have another shot of the floxed/clecoed in place flange as well as the glassed internal surfaces of the right wing leading edge light pocket. As you can see, I also peel plied the majority of the layup inside the light pocket.
With the requisite shots of the inside light pocket BID layups completed, I then clamped the top and bottom horizontal edges of the flange to the wing skin to ensure a nice tight attachment of the two surfaces.
And with another round of tasks out of the way on the wing leading edge lights complete, I left these layups to cure overnight and called it a night.
Moving onward!