Chapter 24/25 – Clearing the Queue!

Or trying to anyway!

Again, since this is during the Thanksgiving holiday, this post covers the last couple of days.  I didn’t get a ton done, but I did make a good little dent.

I started off with making yet another threaded insert —ala baggage pod style— for yet another video camera mount.  This one will be on the very top edge of the left winglet, which has the 1″ added internal foam cap that just happens to be the denser PVC foam. I did this when I constructed the winglets simply because I had a piece of foam that size sitting there and decided to use it.  Well, many years later that denser foam should help in adding some oomph to the pair of threaded inserts going into it… or not.  Either way, that’s what’s going on.

I’ll note that like the other pair of threaded inserts I’ve recently installed, the first one is 6061 aluminum, while the one I just made (nearest camera) is 2024 aluminum.

Yet another small victory I attained was drilling out the 12 year old Saran wrap stuffed into the threaded inserts on the inboard leading edge of the right wing.  These are actually for the baggage pods and it was nice that they cleaned up so easily.

To ensure these baggage pod hardpoints were good to go, I threaded a screw into each one.  Ahh, they work as designed!

Starting late in the afternoon today (Thanksgiving) I got busy knocking down the cured epoxy wipes on the left wing, winglet and aileron top (not the rudder… yet).

Yep, I spent over 3 hours with my trusty orbital sander in hand, with 80 grit discs (a few of them!) to knock down and level out the finish on the left wing, winglet and aileron top.  In fact, it took me over an hour just to finish both sides of the winglet.

I’ve got a good bit of running around tomorrow, and the weather is forecasted to start getting much cooler, but I will adjust as necessary and push forward as best possible!

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