This blog post covers the past two days, since I’m just now getting to posting it.
First off, since I was up pretty darn late microing up the left strake top and leading edge, it was mid-afternoon when I got around to cheese grating the surface to knock down the high spots. This took nearly 2 hours.
I then needed to run out and knock out a few errands, and upon my return mid-evening I spent another good 2 hours prepping the left wing and inboard winglet for micro.
I taped up the wing-strake seam gap and also mounted the top cowling, with its interfacing edge taped up. And I finally remembered to get a shot of the extended/ relocated strake flange edge over to the wing… eliminating an air gap along the front outboard edge of the top strake. You can see the difference from before (pic 1) and after (pic 2).
Here’s a shot of the cleaned and prepped left wing top and inboard left winglet, ready for micro.
Today I got busy with my left wing/inboard winglet micro task by first apply flocro around the wing-strake seam edge, as I have on all my other micro finishing jobs.
And again, over 4 hours later here we have the left wing top, leading edge and inboard winglet surfaces micro’d.
Another shot of the left wing top micro’d up.
And one final shot of left wing top and inboard winglet micro’d.
Tomorrow I plan on applying micro to the top of the left aileron and cheese grating the micro I just applied on the left wing tonight. In addition, I plan to start sanding the right wing, inboard winglet and strake.