Today was all about getting the top of the right wing and the inboard side of the right winglet micro’d up.
I started by cutting my new conjoined strake flange and wing edge to once again make two separate flanges. As you can see I have eliminated two problems in doing this little step:
First, I’ve eliminated an engine compartment air escape gap, and second —and honestly perhaps more importantly!— I removed a very unsightly gap between wing and top cowl edge.
I had planned on doing a bunch of component micro sanding first, but I didn’t want to push my luck as far as time. And boy oh boy did I make the right call… this was a beast!
After final sanding, vacuuming and cleaning, I then taped up the edges around the inboard side of the wing.
I mixed some thick flocro up and created an edge around the strake interface gap, to harden this edge during wing removal and installation. Off on the far end you can see I started micro’ing up the inboard winglet.
The first pic is exactly an hour into my wing micro task, while pic 2 is 2 hours in (no kidding!).
Here we have the entire right wing top and inboard winglet in micro… all in all it took me nearly 7 hours (yep, not lying!) to micro this beast up. Clearly there was no dilly-dallying going on either.
And one more shot of the completed micro on the right wing top and inboard winglet.
Tomorrow I plan to seriously get to sanding the inboard sides of my rudders, the bottom sides of the ailerons, and the outboard sides of the winglets. I also plan on microing up the top of the right strake, and the top of the right aileron as well.