My first task of the day was to knock out the final major sanding of the bottom cowling…
And yes, as always there are few minor things to clean up before I lay down some primer on this beast.
I then got to work on the RAM air scoop/hell hole hatch cover and sanded it in prep for epoxy wiping . . .
Which I rolled right into. I only did 3 total wipes spaced out about 2.5 hours apart, using West 206 (slow) hardener.
I then did the major sanding on the epoxy wiped nose top hatch door and the belly video camera mount. I sanded these outside in the dark [with lights on, still not great lighting] and realized I got them both to about 90% done. I’ll work them both again just a bit tomorrow to finish them up in prep for primer.
And with that, I called it a night.