Speaking of Landing/Taxi Lights . . .

I spoke with electronics guru, Eric Jones, from Perihelion Design for a couple of hours a few days ago.  Eric is a regular contributor to Bob Nuckolls’ Aeroelectric Connection forum.  IMO, two indispensable resources if you’re working your electrical system are Bob Nuckolls’ book, The Aeroelectric Connection, and his forum hosted on the Matt Dralle’s Matronics forums, which covers far more than just electrical systems.  My discussion with Eric turned to LED landing/taxi lights, which he is infinitely familiar with.  I wanted to see if there was a lower cost LED solution to those sold on Aircraft Spruce, Wicks, etc.  Eric recommended the MR16 light, which has many different derivatives, and sent me this specific model pictured below as his recommendation to try out.   As you can see in the pic below, it looks very solid with a robust heat sink & cooling air flow design.

Chap 22 - Soraa LED Landing Light

I bought the Soraa MR16, Model # 00235, which is an 11.5-Watt Dimmable LED light.  In addition, this MR16 is a 75 Watt bulb equivalent with 3700 Candlepower.  It produces a 20° narrow flood beam and looks to be perfect as an ancillary landing/taxi light in the nose along with the AeroLED Sunray Plus LED landing light that I picked up about a week ago.  However, at less than $40 off of Amazon, including shipping, it may just work out to be an excellent deal.  Of course I will test the light, configurations, etc. before incorporating it into my nose light design, but for now it looks highly promising.  I’ll report more on it when I get to that stage of the build.


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