I started out today by picking out some good BID remnants for the layups on the interior surfaces of the headrest.
I then commenced to laying up 1 ply BID on the inside of the front face of the headrest. Since I’m not sure what all I’ll be glassing to it, I went ahead and peel plied the whole thing.
I had thought about just doing all the pieces separately and then assembling the headrest, but I thought since is my first real layup in almost 2 years, why not make it a little more challenging & interesting by laying up the 3 interior sides at once. So I micro’d the 2 side pieces to the back piece and held them in place with wood screws.
I used micro paste to fillet the corners and then laid up 1 ply BID inside the resulting “U” channel. After the glass was wetted out & looked good, I peel plied all the edges.
Step 1 of the headrest complete!