Chapter 11 – Elevators Glassed

Early this morning I razor cut the edges of both the Left & Right elevators.  I used my long carpenter’s level and it work well.

I left the Right elevator bondo’d to the table to ensure it cures thoroughly & straight.

I then removed the Left elevator from the workbench.  Unfortunately, some micro had seeped under the Inboard edge and tore out a chunk of the elevator foam, which remained securely fastened to the workbench.  I carefully removed the chunk of foam from the table, then set it aside with the elevator.  I then removed all the remaining blobs of 5-min glue & small bits of foam (that typically come off of a foam surface when it’s 5-min glued down) to finish prepping for the Left-side elevator’s final layup.

I sanded the Left elevator LE & used the Dremel tool to remove ~0.4″ of foam & dead micro from the TE.

I then bondo’d the Left elevator down to the workbench right-side up.

I then cleaned up & micro’d the extracted piece back into place.

I then glassed the top side of the Left elevator, peel plied the LE, and then dry micro’d & peel plied the TE.

Chap 11 - Left Elevator GlassedChap 11 - Left Elevator Glassed

I trimmed the overhanging glass back within 1/4 inch.

After the Left elevator’s last layup was in the books, I went to my downstairs shop & cut 4 pieces of BID 13.5″ wide at 45° for the Canard top skin.



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