Today I finished the installation of the top spark plug wires that connect up to the Electroair electronic ignition system’s firewall-mounted coil pack. I’ll note that I have the spark plug wires ran with somewhat low profiles since the top cowling is fairly close fitting. I do have some room to play with to shorten the spark plug wires to bring them a bit lower for clearance, if need be.
I also gooped up the front baffle spark plug wire pass-through assemblies mating surface with hi-temp RTV and mounted those into place, spark plug wires included of course.
Here’s the “business” end of the top spark plug wires, coming through the front baffle in the installed pass-through assemblies and connected to the coil pack. Yes, my job with these wires is not 100% complete since I need to secure them to the engine mount… which will happen later when I have the engine off the plane.
In keeping with my modus operandi of making sure every task takes as long as possible to complete(!), I spent a good 45 minutes sanding the inside lip of the prop spinner to get it to seat properly onto the the mounting flange of the spinner flow guide… about 6 rounds of sanding to dial it in. I estimate that during this process thatI removed the majority of a ply of CF that I just added.
But as with nearly all things on this build: persistence paid off and I eventually got ‘er! Here we have the prop spinner firmly mounted to the “lampshade” flow guide for the first time since I received this spinner from Catto around 3 years ago (IIRC). Note the #6 screws securing the prop spinner in place.
Tomorrow I’ll continue on with engine-related and other build shenanigans.