It’s nearly the New Year and I thought I’d provide a status on the workshop upgrades. Being a bit worn out from endless days of working on the shop, I actually stayed an extra day in Greensboro just to relax.
Still, over the past week I’ve been focusing on getting the exterior of the Air Compressor closet bump out paneled with metal siding. It took a bit of time on each panel to measure and cut the overall dimensions, let alone cut out the access holes for the vents and then deburr the cut edges.
Below are the two sides of the compressor closet bump out paneled up to a straight edge at top. This was pre-Christmas.
As was the cutting and installing the panel siding on the aft wall of the bump out.
Upon my return from Greensboro, I cut and added in the top triangular panels on both sides and added the treated lumber corner trim.
I then got to work on the interior of the air compressor closet both insulating the walls and then cutting and installing the black sound board.
Here’s the right interior wall.
And the finished aft wall.
Clearly that leaves the ceiling, left wall and the areas on each side/above the door to insulate and install sound board.
After the interior of the closet is finished I will then install the mini-split HVAC unit, followed by the air compressor itself.