Sorry, but I don’t have any pics to load just yet, but I quickly knocked out a few items on my list that I thought were important to complete in order to establish some data points:
#1 – Elevator weigh-in. As Canardians and canard builders know, elevator weight and balance is critical. I established a baseline weight for both my elevators since when I followed the plans method of glassing them, the heat of the curing bondo used to hold the bottom of the elevators in place caused glass-foam delaminations exactly where each blob of bondo was placed. There’s a great work-around using aluminum duct tape that’s spelled out in a CSA newsletter, but unfortunately the issue with that helpful tidbit came out well AFTER I built my elevators. Besides getting a general idea of each elevator’s weight, the baseline will let me know how much epoxy weight was added after I inject each delam area with epoxy. If too heavy, I may end up having to rebuild new elevators.
#2 – Fuselage straight & true. Another issue I wanted to get the skinny on was exactly how straight and true my fuselage is, since I know that I didn’t get it exactly right when I glassed the bulkheads into the fuselage sides. I still have to diagram it all out, but although not ecstatic that it was off to any degree, I was relieved to find out that no measurements were off by more than a 1/10th of an inch. Not great, but definitely workable.
#3 – Landing & Taxi Light Test. I also grabbed my LED landing and taxi lights, and quickly connected them up to a 12V battery to ensure that they all worked, first off, and to also get a good idea of the light strength and beam pattern of each respective light. I have to say that I was quite impressed with the lights and I will definitely move forward with my designed electrical plan for the landing and taxi lights.