Since I’ve been hitting the shop hard for the last few days, today was a light on shop work, heavy on research day. I identified over 90% of my required components to roll my own fire-sleeved engine hoses (thanks Joe Coraggio for the tip on your website!). In fact, I pulled the trigger on the first of 3 major orders that I’ll be placing for the engine hoses.
I then checked my interior CS Spar Clickbond installation that will serve as a hardpoint for the cable management Adel clamp. Now, I don’t mean to brag, but clearly as decent as this layup turned out (90% of it in the blind), I need to start doing these things with my eyes closed!!! Ha!
Here’s a wider angle shot that provides a general idea of the entry and exit points for the wires in the cable bundle.
And one last closeup of the mounted Adel clamp.
I then did a bunch more research, but wanted to get something curing overnight. I had already planned on installing the CS123 control system bearing into the firewall tonight…. so, that’s what I did. I lined up the aft end control rod with the one that runs along the fuselage sidewall, mixed up some rather wet flox, and then floxed in the CS123 bearing (this is a Cozy Girrrls product btw).
Here’s a slightly lower angle shot. I also got up into the hell hole and added a flox fillet around the front side as well. I don’t this thing will be going anywhere with as much flox that’s holding it into place!
Tomorrow I have just a quick couple of sideline tasks to complete and then I’ll move right into my 3-DAY BLITZ on the wheel pants!