Today I had to run some important errands, so I didn’t get into the shop until the evening.
I started by trimming up the right side edge glass that I laid up on the canopy yesterday. I got it so that the canopy could open and close with plenty of clearance between the longeron/fuselage and the added glass. I then removed the canopy.
Since I was working on the side of the canopy I went ahead and set it on the shop floor. I then sanded and prepped the side for some pour foam. At the front and aft end you can see some dams for the foam.
I then poured a couple of rounds of foam.
I hit the cured foam first with a hacksaw blade to knock off the major stuff, then moved into sanding it to shape.
With the canopy so low on the ground, I could already feel it in my back from bending over so much… definitely wasn’t going to make it through a multi-hour layup. So I turned my workbenches on their side and put the canopy on them… perfect height!
I then spent another few hours total on the canopy right side edge/frame layup.
Again, like the left side I took nearly 0.2″ of foam off the edge and filled it with carbon fiber UNI, then laid up 1 ply of BID over that and the added foam.
I had a decent bit of epoxy left over after I peel plied the layup, so I mixed up some micro and applied it to the rough spots on the underside of the front canopy lip. This was on my task list for the canopy anyway, so now I have a head start on it.
And with that, I called it a night.