Today was a bit of an admin day on the build. Admittedly, I’m not used to this build pace and I’m dragging a bit.
I took an hour or so to consolidate and update my build notes and build chapter to-do task lists and get fresh copies printed out.
I also compiled 2 different hardware orders, at Wicks and ACS, for some needed supplies for upcoming build pushes.
In my attempt at getting a “quick kill” in today with reassembling the Triparagon, I of course ran full face into some unintended consequences of my actions. The 2nd and 3rd order effect thing… or, as I titled this post: the butterfly effect. Yep, change one thing!
My issue that I failed to account for was static tubing access to my #1 airspeed switch. It was situated on the inside far right end of the front lip {red arrow, below} of the Triparagon top shelf, but I then covered that entire end with a makeshift cap called the Trig TT22 Transponder.
Thus began my 45 min journey of discovery of just how I was going to fix this predicament. Should I make a new bracket and move the transponder aft? (good thing I didn’t because space is tight with the panel-mounted GRT Mini-X, just aft of the transponder)… should I move it outboard? Or should I move Airspeed Switch #1?
Well, I chose the latter, it being the easiest of all options (some call it laziness, I call it efficiency… ha!).
Below shows where I ended up moving the airspeed switch to {yellow arrow}.

The one advantage of having the airspeed switches (there are 3) along the front edge of the Triparagon top shelf, is that they are accessible to fine tune the settings with a quick open of the aft nose/avionics cover.
Well, Airspeed Switch #1 will now not be AS accessible as the other two, but still not horrible. You see, I positioned it so that by simply popping the Trig TT22 transponder out of its bracket for a bit I can gain access to Airspeed Switch #1’s adjustment screw via the center lightening hole. Then pop the transponder back in place, close & secure the aft nose/avionics cover and it’s back to business.

Here are airspeed switches #2 and #3 mounted on the front lip of the Triparagon top shelf.
Not shown is the reinstalled JBWilco Gear/Canopy Warning module and the warning buzzer.

And although not a great pic, here is the Triparagon top shelf –with installed avionics– reattached to the rest of the assembly in the instrument panel mockup. At top center of the pic is the opening for the GRT HXr EFIS.

Tomorrow I plan on jumping back on the build full tilt.