Chapter 22 – In the weeds!

I didn’t get a ton done today on the right side Triparagon component wiring, but I did get some significant stuff done.  I did get a few more P6 PQD connector wires terminated, labeled and in place, but today was really all about getting the remaining 3 Integrated Backup Battery System (IBBS) leads up to speed.

The 3 leads the IBBS wiring harness that I left long before are the EFIS backup battery info lead, the X-Bus voltage (AG6) lead, and the IBBS power on/off switch lead.  The issue is that of the 3, I can’t terminate 2 of them since I wouldn’t be able to fit them through the hole & grommet in the Napster bulkhead if I did.  The X-Bus voltage monitoring lead, which is an optional lead that would normally power an LED warning light, is the only one I could terminate since I simply chose to use the ‘ol inline D-Sub pin-to-D-sub socket connector trick (again, ala Bob Nuckolls).

Since a D-Sub pin is barely –if at all– bigger than a 22 AWG wire, then I had no issue terminating the voltage info wire lead with one.  That being said, however, although I printed the labels for this wire I can’t heat shrink them in place until after I get the wire installed through the Napster bulkhead!  The labels simply add too much diameter and since they’re rubbery in texture, too much friction.

IBBS side D-Sub battery info pin

Now, the X-Bus voltage monitoring lead is a little unique in this configuration since it also feeds a piggy-backed wire to the AG6 warning annunciator that lights up if there is a low voltage condition on the X-Bus.  Again, in the stock installation configuration, this would be an LED lighting up, but I’m connecting it the AG6 for the warning annunciation.  To ensure the proper power on the circuit I needed to place a resistor in the circuit to protect the AG6 (and mimic a load of an LED light… I know, not much juice there).  I originally had identified the need for a 2K Ohm resistor, but I only I had a 1.5K resistor on hand, so in it went… good enough!

Thus, my first task of the day was to solder a small lead onto the 1.5K Ohm resistor, or perhaps solder the resistor to the lead . . . who knows?!

Soldering lead to 1.5K Ohm resistor

Anyway, here’s the resistor soldered to the 22 AWG wire lead.

Lead to 1.5K Ohm resistor soldered

I’m using the same configuration for soldering a resistor inline as I did for the Voltage Regulator, which allows for excellent strain relief for the soldered resistor (BTW, I picked up this nifty trick off the EAA workshop videos).  To the open side of the resistor I then soldered the AG6 lead (white/green stripe wire) and a mini-pigtail terminated with a D-Sub socket (purple/yellow stripe) to later mate up with the wire coming from the IBBS (that I terminated with a D-Sub pin/above).

IBBS D-Sub, AG6 & X-Bus leads soldered in place

I then terminated the initial mini-lead with a D-sub pin, since this will actually get terminated into the 9-Pin D-Sub X-Bus connector (B side).

X-Bus D-Sub pin terminated in place

I then covered each of the solder joints with heat shrink.

Initial heat shrinks

And then the entire resistor zig-zag joint with a piece of heat shrink.  Note the 3 other leads –coming from the P6 connector– that are terminated into the X-Bus 9-Pin D-Sub connector.

Heat shrink on wires for strength

I then test fitted it into the 9-pin D-Sub back shell, confirming my initial hypothesis that it would fit.

Test fitting wire bundle in D-Sub back shell

I then mounted the opposite side of the back shell in place.  The fit is tight, but not uncomfortably tight where it has to be forced.  (Both sides shown below).

Bundle fits in 9-pin D-Sub Backshell!9-pin D-Sub Backshell, from other side

That’s it for today.  I’m heading out for dinner and a movie with friends, so no more build tonight.  Also, tomorrow will most likely be a light build day as well since we’re heading into the end of football season, with lots of big games and lots of big playoff implications!



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