Of course I have no significant progress to report on the build today, but I did finally get around to cracking open the box that contained my exhaust pipes after all these years. Yes, I should have been more diligent and checked them much earlier, but I’m happy to report upon initial inspection that they look good. And with that, they will be on their way to NC tomorrow!
Also, as I was getting ready to pack up a bunch of the Long-EZ stuff to go in this haul down to North Carolina, during a break I decided that I would detail the build areas that I’m “authorized” to build on from here on out until I am established down in NC and back up & running on the build.
If you’re curious at all, here are those areas:
- Canopy frame
- Nose hatch glassing & securing hinges/hardware
- Aft nose cover securing hinges/tabs/hardware
- Wheel pants hardware
- Baggage pods initial glass prep
- Cutting out ailerons/glassing aileron pocket shearweb
A very minor adjunct to that list is that I pulled 3 of the fuel tank ribs from the Feather Light strake leading edge kit to seal the ribs’ mouse hole edges with micro.
As you can see, half the items on the list are nothing more than facilitating hauling the fuselage down to NC with canopy, aft nose cover and nose hatch in place. The other stuff is just for those occasions when I need to take a moment for some “me” time and spend a an hour or two feeling productive on the plane build <wink>.
So if whatever I look at build-wise is not on that list above, it simply gets packed up for the haul south.
Ok, report over…. back to packing!