Just a quick update on the move since now it involves the Long-EZ project in large part. In fact, I’d say that about 70% of this haul down to North Carolina was Long-EZ related components, as you can tell in the pic below with all the boxes labeled with “LEZ” in large block red letters.
In addition to the strake leading edge kit, I also wrapped up and included the lower cowling among the components that were transported down to NC. Also, the box on the very left of the pic above are the upper and lower winglets.
Moreover, since I had space in the trailer, and since it just barely fit (after trimming off about 3/8″ of the wing end rudder cable conduit), I strapped the right wing into place and hauled it down to NC as well.
This leaves the fuselage, left wing, canard and upper engine cowling as the last of the large aircraft components left up in Virginia.
If all goes according to plan, by the end of July pretty much the entire aircraft project will be down in NC.