Between waking up a bit later this morning from my late shop work hours last night, some domestic duties and a wine tasting event starting early this evening, I didn’t get a lot done on the build today.
I was able to buy a 3/16″ x 1/8″ NPT brass barb for the engine mounted MAP manifold. I put it in place just for this pic… later I’ll goop up the threads and install it with the proper torque.
I did spend a little bit sorting through and inventorying an ACS order I received today. One item I received was a length of clear plastic tubing that I’ll slip onto the oil quick drain, as I tested out here, to drain the oil during oil changes.
I also got a good 45 minutes in on working the GRT fuel pressure sensor, both in rounding up and configuring the -4 AN fittings as well as sizing the appropriate securing Adel clamp. I’ll note specifically that this fuel pressure sensor must be mounted with the cable end up and fitting end down, per the manual, as shown here.
After looking at a number of possible spots to install the fuel pressure sensor on the right side of the engine mount, I think I found the sweet spot for mounting this sensor… here’s a wider angle view of that spot.
And a closer up, albeit slightly blurry, shot of my proposed mounting position and configuration of the fuel pressure sensor.
And one final shot of the fuel pressure sensor proposed mounting position.
Back in the house, before getting ready for an evening of fun and frivolity, I updated my GRT Engine Management System wiring diagram to denote the Oil Pressure Sensor wires now transiting the firewall via the P9 connector vs P10 previously. I then printed off a new diagram and Voila, all changes to denote the wire swap complete.
And that’s it for today folks. I do plan on installing the fuel pressure sensor on the engine mount tomorrow. In addition, I’ll start working the configuration and wire runs for the right side engine/firewall connector, P10.
Finally, within the next 2-3 days I plan on blitzing the construction of all the remaining fuel and oil lines —including pressure testing— for the engine (except the 2 in/out oil cooler hoses… those will come later).