Chapter 25 – Cowl flocro edge fill

I didn’t get a lot done on the plane build today, but after doing a good bit of assessing on the interfaces and intersections of the bottom cowling with the wings, strakes and lower aft fuselage, I got one significant task knocked out… or at least started: the fill of the gap between the front horizontal edge of the bottom cowl lip with the aft edge of the strake bottom skin. There was a gap that ranged from about 0.020″ on one end to about 0.1″ of on the other end that needed filled.

So I taped up the front edge of the bottom cowl and then remounted the cowl.  Here’s the cowl left side (right side as inverted).  I stopped the flocro fill of the gap about half way to allow for a good visual on what I was up to.

I then finished the gap flocro fill on the outboard side.  Note that I didn’t get the gap filled all the way up “under” the armpit intake scoop as I’ll do it tomorrow after this round of flocro cures.

I then repeated the same thing on the right side.  The gap on the right side wasn’t as big as on the left, but it was certainly significant enough to require added flocro to close it up.

I should point out that I spent a good 45 minutes sanding down the strake side of these interfaces BEFORE I applied the flocro to better align the surface levels of the bottom cowl and the aft strake edge.  I’ll tweak that level more after I get the flocro gap edge in.


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