Let’s start with some Tooling Up shall we?
I started off today with a delivery of my order I placed with Aircraft Spruce that included some of the final metal stock I need for the both the lathe and mill CNC conversions.
I then got a call from Marco, who was heading up to the DC area for some job stuff and wanted to drop by afterwards for a short few-hour visit.
It’s always great of course to see Marco, and after I showed him my progress on the CNC conversion we went out for some fantastic Peruvian food while talking for hours on flying, building, machining, etc.
It’s even MORE especially nice when Marco comes bearing a gift, which in this case was a metal Long-EZ that he plasma cut and then painted.
As you can see here, the “main gear” is actually the mounting bolts that Marco welded into place on the underside of the plate. Great stuff and awesome work! Thanks Marco!
And as Marco took off for home, I got back to work on my Super Secret Project!
You are welcome my friend.