Well, My March Madness brackets!
Today I started working on the brackets for both the P4 throttle connector bracket and the Intercom bracket. As for the Intercom bracket, I decided that I’ll most likely make the right pilot armrest removable to gain access to intercom wiring. So the intercom mounted in the bracket will remain on the sidewall, allowing the armrest to be pulled away from it.
I started off by determining the dimensions of each bracket, and then marked up a 1/16″ piece of G10 with these dimensions. I then drilled the 1.5″ hole for the Throttle P4 AMP CPC connector.
I then cut the rectangular hole for Dynon Intercom.
And then test fitted both the Intercom and the P4 connector, with both fitting just fine.
After prepping the holes I took the evening off to go to dinner.