Welcome to Germany!
Chapter 6 – Part Deux (… or zwei!)
30 April 2012 —Today starts the actual unpacking of the boat, or shall I say, the fuselage. Apparently my next door neighbors thought it would be cute to pull a fast one on me! When talking in my garage/shop one day, they asked me what I was going identify this “thing” (said snidely) sitting in my garage that I was going to send over to Germany. Well, a few weeks earlier I had seen on one of the blogs where a guy had shipped his fuselage as a “boat,” which I thought was pretty darn funny. So I snarkily (it’s a habit of mine!) said, “a boat.”
Well, due to a scheduling SNAFU in Virginia, the movers had picked up my fuselage while I was at the firing range. Luckily, my ‘trusty’ neighbors helped out with overseeing the movers pack my stuff. Well, apparently they told the movers it was just, in fact, a boat. What made it really funny was fast forward three months later in Germany when one of the guys unloading the truck asked me where I wanted my “boat.” I thought his English was a little shaky! After a few repeats, and a growingly impatient mover, I finally understood what he was saying and ran out to the moving truck to see them, in fact, lowering “a boat” out of the truck! Well played my friends . . . well played!
Pics of unpacking “the fragile boat”!!!