Chapter 23 – Throttle handle & Prop extension

In March I was focused some on the engine & figuring out some of the components I needed.  I had put an order in with Sam Tillman at Saber Manufacturing for an 8-inch prop extension.  Sam of course does some amazingly high quality work.  Very nice.

Chap 23 - Saber 8" Prop Extension

Chap 23 - Saber 8" Prop Extension

Chap 23 - Saber 8" Prop Extension

Chap 23 - Saber 8" Prop Extension

Another serendipitous find I made was a local manufacturer that makes certified parts for military aircraft simulators.  I guess because it was the holiday season, and since my buddy Marco wanted one as well, I was able to talk them into doing a two-unit production of some F-16 throttle handles.  Since instrument panel space is limited in a Long-EZ, I want to put a number of switches on my throttle handle along with my grip stick to attain the highest level of HOTAS (Hands-on-Throttle-and-Stick) as possible (I listed the throttle as Chapter 23 since it’s actually not covered in the Section I plans, but rather in the Section IIL plans which covers engine installation exclusively).

Chap 23 - F-16 Throttle

Chap 23 - F-16 Throttle

Chap 23 - F-16 Throttle

Chap 23 - F-16 Throttle



Aircraft Welding

The first weekend in March I attended the EAA SportAir TIG Welding Workshop in Griffin, Georgia.  Great class!  I would highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to do TIG welding specific to Aircraft building, both with 4130 steel and aluminum.

EAA Welding Class, Georgia

This is my first experience welding aluminum . . . what a different animal.  Glad I’ll only be working with 4130 steel for my rollover assembly.  Still, it was fun to try something new.

My first Aluminum weld bead (tricky stuff!)Below are a couple of practice projects we did in the workshop.  I added a few pieces to a few them of them to make it a little more realistic.  Our instructor was fantastic and really helped lock in our TIG site picture, pointing out how to improve our techniques & showing us a few tricks.  It helped immeasurably.

EAA Course - welding 4130 tubing EAA Course - welding 4130 tubing