As you all probably know, I’m in the slow process of moving down to the Cherry Point area of North Carolina. I had meant to be moved down there already, but schedules have a way of slipping to the right. Currently I have roughly 90% of my stuff in storage –including my Long-EZ project of course– down in NC.
I had been working on my DC-area house to prep it for sale, but about 6 weeks ago I tweaked my back pretty badly helping some friends move. Needing to recuperate for a good bit, I made the decision to delay putting my house on the market until early 2019 and to do what I can to finish up my Instrument Rating.
Over the past few weeks I got all the necessary stuff lined up (insurance, etc) and was able to knock out my Biennial Flight Review last Friday. Now current (i.e. ‘legal’), I have 2 instrument lessons under my belt with a bunch more scheduled up until Christmas, and a lot more to come after New Years.
The pics are of a couple of the Cessna 172s (yes, “spam cans”) I’m currently flying for my Instrument rating.